Thank you for reading! I totally forgot that Rhapsody/Napster was still kicking. My bad for not mentioning it. Using any software since 2003 makes it really hard to change over to something else.
Your line “they can’t have everything” is really the main issue in the music streaming wars. We sort of expect all of these services to have “everything”. Fortunately, I haven’t really noticed any glaring albums missing during my listening experience. But feeling like you’re missing out on music can be a real deal-breaker. I hear you about the re-compiling of playlists.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if all of these music services were forced to use the same protocols for things like that? Imagine just a one-click export of all your playlists and listening data from Rhapsody and a one-click import of all the data into Spotify or YouTube music. I know they’re too greedy for that to happen, but one can dream!