Thanks for reading Sarah! You are not alone, there are still plenty of TiVo devotees out there, but we may be a dying breed, haha. I'm with you on the mess of cable card setups for TiVo. Most cable companies say they support it, but then they can't really help you when there is a problem.
While TiVo will always have a special place in my heart, I have been mostly pleased with the cloud DVR features on YouTube TV. The commercial skipping isn't the same and the interface has its quirks, but it's almost like the good ol' days of TiVo.
You know, I think the saddest part is that I've had 0 interest in buying my TiVo Bolt box with lifetime membership. In the old days, it would have been snatched up instantly, people don't really see the value anymore. A darn shame!